Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records

Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records

Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records

Explore your roots
With over 3,000,000 records
The Poor Rate was a local tax raised to fund the parish poor relief. Some account books for Sussex survive and these are being transcribed into a database. They provide a mini “census” of heads-of-household and sometimes those too poor to pay are also included. The database currently holds records for Brighton for 1744 – 1761, and contains over 400 surnames.
The parish of All Saints, Lewes (1824 – 1830 and 1807 - 1817) is currently being transcribed and will be uploaded into the database in the next few months. Parishes to follow include Burwash, Hastings (St Clements), Heathfield, Heene, Lancing, Rye and Steyning.